Friday, June 20, 2014

Incoming mail and Instagram!

Hello people!! How are you this days? I'm so glad to have time for me and my stuff, I pass my time enjoying all what I have to do. This is what recently I got from the mail! Postcrossing letters and direct swaps :) I completely in love with all the postcards, they looks amazing and are super adorable, specially the ood!! n.n

all the best from Mexico.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Monthly Must Haves: May 2014

Hi guys! How are you today! I know its almost middle of the month but I have to do this anyway!
  • Black was the May color, a lot of things happens, my black cat Pete pass away the first week and I feel really sad about that, so I take his color as tribute, he was a really amazing cat, I wish could have more time with him... :)
  • Well, also I went to mexico city and bought some amazing stuff from there, which are my faves for this month too, I dont put them on this because you already saw what I got from there!
  • I found another frame like the blue one of the last month, I put on it my favorite postcard of the month, of course Batman! I just love it! :)
  • Also I was drawing a lot with sharpie, so he is my best friend now :)).
  • I got a ton of stickers, I'm just obsessed with it!
  • The nail polish is Black mate, I love how it looks with shiny clothes and some of my favorite bracelets!

I already told you that I have a dried flowers collection, It's growing up so fast thats my finds from May! Also I make a new personal stickers... and some random stuff that I been using a lot, including that lovely pen!
See you guys, Love from Mexico, 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Incoming mail; May!

 Hello my dear people, so much time without post anything, I got so many mail to show you, I lost some pictures about some letters, but anyway, this is what I received the last weeks, I'm so excited because I got alot awesome postcards, from Postcrossing, there are the most beautifull people when to send postcars we talk! 
I received a package from my dear penpal Fab in Italy, with a Explorer Kit from London <3! I'm in love with all in the package!
Also the mail man give me a letter from my German grandfather, :D He sent me as always a bunch of castle's postcards! He doesn't forgoten me!
All from me! I hope you're fine and happy mail day!!
xxxxx, ely.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

DF's haul!

Hello my dear people, this time I had to do a quickly travel with my friend to mexico city, and I bought some lovely stuff from there! Also I passed a good time with my friend and my brother who lives there! :3
The principal shops, was a little vintage flea market where I found some old cash, stamps and stickers, La casa del agua is a super cute shop who takes rain water and purified to sell them in a bottles with amazing designs and Fondo de cultura, a book shop, I really want to buy everything but I had to choose only one, and the winner one was that amazing book, in english is something like universal animal house!

xxxxoo, lots of love from Mexico

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Monthly Must Haves: April 2014

Hello, hello my dear people!! :) another month just pass away, I think my time goes really fast, I mean School is killing me with a lot of things to do and I only enjoy my time in home <3, normal stuff... anyway, I want to show you what are my must haves for april. :D

-Color of the month!!  I'm obsessed with this color, Always I love it, but this month I bought some goodies just because! :)
-I found this frame some days ago, was a huge surprise for me because, its soo beautiful and super cheap, I decided put on it my favorite Postcard that I received this month, I think it looks really good on it! :)
-My favorite nailpolish; Sea Siren
-In my garden are growing those little Jasmine flowers, I like go out early at morning, because they bloom in night and take two or three to put them next to my bed... then all my room smells amazing. <3
-My favorite pen at the moment, and some other supplies.
 -Other thing that I've been using alot is the little notebook, who Anastasia sent me from Russia, I decided to use them to put all my dried flowers.
-Also I used in my bag the keychain who Rachel sent me.
-My fave candle for this month is Vanilla!
-The little yellow purse that I bought from queretaro its really useful. I carry my pendrives on it and some change when I go out.
-And finally, some coins.
So tell me my dears, what were your April must-haves! n.n
xxxxx, ely.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Secret Ingredient of Strawberry Cake

Hello my dear people! Today I'm so excited because this is a diferent post here. It's about something in what my friend Yina Guerrero and I have been working the last week!  
Considering that April 2 is celebrated day of Children's books and on April 23 day of the book, we wanted to do something about!
So Yina has written this lovely story, illustrated by me. Here is the english version, also If you want to read it in spanish, here is the version in her blog.
It was a really pleasure work with Yina! I love the ending results! I hope you like this beautiful story so much as me! Enjoy!

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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Incoming Postcrossing Mail!

Hello people! How are you today! Here is really early for me awake in sunday! :) I want to share with you some of my recent mail, everything from Postcrossing, I'm in love with the place!
Postcard and stamp from Netherlands,Taiwan, Finland, Maxicard from Australia and Russia. 
What kind of postcard you like most my dears? xxxxooo, ely. 

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Queretaro's haul! 2

Hello my people, how are you been!? As you know I went to one of my favorite cities in my country Queretaro, always have something new to see, or to buy, the sourvenirs are really inexpensive and everything is just awesome! I want to post where I've been but I had a LOT of pictures and I need to put all in order to make the post, so, I going to show you what I got from there and then in some days I'll put the photos of my travel.  
*Well I found some cute stones and Opalos, I'm obsessed with those things, so random and pretty!
*Then my friends and I found a Handmade candy store, are super yummy and the package is super cute. 
*You know how much I love postcards, I got some for my penpals and I found this 3D postcards, they looks like a dream... and some old stamps that I got in the way.
* Also the guys of the congress gave us a Kit full of stuff like a Notebook, t-shirt and some other goodies.
And finaly this goodies from my favorite designers ever!
Loooots of love from Mexico.
Ely.... xxxx

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

April Mail from USA, Russia and Rep Dominicana!

Hello you my dear people! I recently arrieved from Queretaro with LOT of things to send, show and post in here! Also I found three letters in my mailbox from Anastsia of Russia, Yina from Rep. Dominicana and  Alice from USA, all of them with amazing ephemera things inside, I really love everything! 

Thank you girls! I'll write back soon! 
xxxooo, ely.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Monthly Must Haves: March 2014

Hello my people! Today I going to do this new entry about my March must-haves! 

*In first place are  this new shoes, just a normal flats, very comfortable in color menta and coral... 
*Then is that purse that I found in pull & bear... <3<3<3<3 
*Ahhh also I bought a new glases, last ones were broken by accident... I got a new cellphone too ^^ 
*Some other random stuff like that super cute candle, made by a local guys who sell those in the art market... some other goodies that I found in the marked are that ring and earings.
*My favorite nail polish is turquesa... and my fave color for lips this month is shiny red!
*My favorite pen in the whole world, sended by Rachel, looks like eco-pen.
*And finally the postcard of my next trip the next week to Queretaro, I´m so excited and impatient for it!

So tell me my dears, what were your March must-haves! n.n

xxxxooo, love,